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Timelock Contract Reference Documentation


The TimelockControllerEnumerable contract combines Open Zeppelin's TimelockController with AccessControlEnumerable to provide role-based access control, supporting both single and batch operations with a minimum delay requirement. It is designed for time-sensitive governance operations, often positioned as the owner of a contract governed by a DAO or multisig.

Inherits: TimelockController, AccessControlEnumerable

Key Roles

  • TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE: Manages and configures timelock settings.
  • PROPOSER_ROLE: Schedules proposals.
  • EXECUTOR_ROLE: Executes approved proposals.
  • CANCELLER_ROLE: Cancels pending proposals.


  • CallScheduled: Emitted when a call is scheduled.
  • CallExecuted: Emitted upon execution of a scheduled call.
  • Cancelled: Emitted when an operation is cancelled.
  • MinDelayChange: Emitted when the minimum delay changes.



Initializes the contract with the minimum delay and role assignments.

constructor(uint256 minDelay, address[] memory proposers, address[] memory executors, address admin);
minDelayuint256Initial minimum delay required for scheduled operations.
proposersaddress[]Array of addresses granted the PROPOSER_ROLE.
executorsaddress[]Array of addresses granted the EXECUTOR_ROLE.
adminaddressAddress given the TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE.

Scheduling and Execution


Schedules a single transaction for execution.

function schedule(address target, uint256 value, bytes calldata data, bytes32 predecessor, bytes32 salt, uint256 delay);
targetaddressAddress of the target contract for the call.
valueuint256Amount of ETH to send with the call.
databytesEncoded function call data for the target.
predecessorbytes32ID of the predecessor operation, if any.
saltbytes32Salt value used for operation uniqueness.
delayuint256Delay in seconds before the operation can be executed.


Schedules a batch of transactions for execution.

function scheduleBatch(address[] calldata targets, uint256[] calldata values, bytes[] calldata payloads, bytes32 predecessor, bytes32 salt, uint256 delay);
targetsaddress[]Array of target contract addresses for each call.
valuesuint256[]Array of ETH amounts to send with each call.
payloadsbytes[]Array of encoded function call data for each target.
predecessorbytes32ID of the predecessor operation, if any.
saltbytes32Salt value used for operation uniqueness.
delayuint256Delay in seconds before the batch operation can be executed.


Executes a scheduled transaction.

function execute(address target, uint256 value, bytes calldata data, bytes32 predecessor, bytes32 salt);
targetaddressAddress of the target contract for the call.
valueuint256Amount of ETH to send with the call.
databytesEncoded function call data for the target.
predecessorbytes32ID of the predecessor operation, if any.
saltbytes32Salt value used for operation uniqueness.


Executes a scheduled batch of transactions.

function executeBatch(address[] calldata targets, uint256[] calldata values, bytes[] calldata payloads, bytes32 predecessor, bytes32 salt);
targetsaddress[]Array of target contract addresses for each call.
valuesuint256[]Array of ETH amounts to send with each call.
payloadsbytes[]Array of encoded function call data for each target.
predecessorbytes32ID of the predecessor operation, if any.
saltbytes32Salt value used for operation uniqueness.

Cancellation and Delay Management


Cancels a pending operation.

function cancel(bytes32 id);
idbytes32ID of the operation to cancel.


Updates the minimum delay for future operations.

function updateDelay(uint256 newDelay);
newDelayuint256New minimum delay required for future operations.