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Corn Silo Implementation

GitHub Repo​

The Corn Silo implementation is available on the following repo.


  • Inherits: ICornSilo, UUPSUpgradeable, PausableUpgradeable, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable, AuthNoOwner

Callable Functions​

Admin Functions​


Sets up the Silo contract parameters and initializes the authority for access control.

function initialize(
address _authority,
address[] memory _initialApprovedTokens
) external initializer;


Pauses all deposit and bridge-related actions. Redemption remains available.

function pause() external nonReentrant requiresAuth;


Unpauses the contract, allowing deposits and bridge-related actions to resume.

function unpause() external nonReentrant requiresAuth;


Enables bridging to Corn by setting the gateway, ERC20 inbox, and Swap Facility vault. Once enabled, the bridge cannot be disabled.

function enableBridge(
address gatewayRouter,
address erc20Inbox,
address swapFacilityVault
) external nonReentrant requiresAuth;


Sets a withdrawal fee within the specified basis points (BPS) range.

function setWithdrawalFee(uint256 _fee) external requiresAuth;

Deposit Functions​


Deposits an approved token amount into the Silo for the sender, returning issued shares.

function deposit(address token, uint256 assets) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused;


Deposits an approved token amount for a specified recipient, returning issued shares.

function depositFor(address recipient, address token, uint256 assets) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused;


Mints BTCN with the specified bitcorn minter asset amount and deposits it into the Silo.

function mintAndDepositBitcorn(uint256 assets) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused;


Mints BTCN with the specified bitcorn minter asset amount for a recipient and deposits it into the Silo.

function mintAndDepositBitcornFor(address recipient, uint256 assets) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused;

Withdrawal Functions​


Redeems a specific token from the user’s shares in the Silo, subject to fees.

function redeemToken(address token, uint256 shares) external nonReentrant;


Redeems BTCN shares and returns the minter asset balance to the user.

function redeemBitcorn(uint256 shares) external nonReentrant;


Redeems all deposited assets, returning the asset balances for each approved token and BTCN.

function redeemAll() external nonReentrant;

Bridge Functions​


Bridges an approved token to the Corn network, using BTCN shares to cover gas fees.

function bridgeToken(address token, address recipient, uint256 maxGas, uint256 gasPriceBid, bytes calldata data) external nonReentrant;


Bridges all approved tokens for a user to the Corn network in one transaction.

function bridgeAllTokens(address recipient, uint256 cost, uint256 maxGas, uint256 gasPriceBid, bytes calldata data) external nonReentrant;


Bridges BTCN to the Corn network, using BTCN shares to cover gas fees.

function bridgeBitcorn(address recipient, uint256 cost, uint256 maxGas, uint256 gasPriceBid) external nonReentrant;

View Functions​


Returns the balance of shares for a user and token.

function sharesOf(address user, address token) external view returns (uint256);


Converts the asset amount from minter asset decimals to 18 decimals.

function fromAssetDecimalsTo18Decimals(uint256 amount) public view returns (uint256);


Converts an 18-decimal amount to the minter asset’s decimals.

function from18DecimalsToAssetDecimals(uint256 amountIn18Decimals) public view returns (uint256);


Returns the address of the gateway router once set.

function getGatewayRouter() public view returns (IGatewayRouter gatewayRouter);


Returns the address of the ERC20 inbox once set.

function getERC20Inbox() public view returns (IERC20Inbox erc20Inbox);


Returns the address of the swap facility vault.

function getSwapFacilityVault() external view returns (address);


Returns a list of approved tokens.

function getApprovedTokens() public view returns (address[] memory);


  • MAX_WITHDRAWAL_FEE_BPS: Maximum allowable withdrawal fee in basis points (currently 0).
  • BPS_DIVISOR: Constant divisor for basis points (10,000).
  • ONE_SATOSHI_OF_BITCOIN_SHARES: One satoshi in 18 decimals, for precise share management.